Monday, August 12, 2019

Be the light

Once there was a tiny caterpillar. In its course of life, it had to transform and grow itself and the caterpillars around it. It went feeding a lot with its friends. It kept feeding to its heart full but one day its hunger never got sated. It kept on and on till it fell asleep. Then, it went into a static phase of metamorphosis. It became a cocoon where everything i.e. the growth and transformation into a creature happened inside the shell. Now when it was the time to break open the cocoon, it had to struggle, work-up, get wasted, keep trying and when it struggled more, it kept trying harder. Just when the caterpillar thought that the world was over, it became a beautiful butterfly.

When you become a butterfly in your life and fly high, you need to make every caterpillar believe that they are about to become the most graceful flyers in this universe. Be the light through the tunnel of darkness. Darkness only gets powerful with ignorance and assumptions. Make everyone enlightened with your knowledge, your light and spread the path of growth to all, destroy the darkness by stepping into a vividly bright universe of endless possibilities. All the butterflies need to spread their light, their vision and their mission to the caterpillars who are trying to grow. The light when spread only grows. Be the light that supports new ideas, facilitates great plans, inspires people to a brilliant wisdom, destroys fear and harnesses great confidence.

I hope that you live a life you are proud of. If you find that you’re not, I hope you find the strength to start all over again. One of the greatest weaknesses in most of us is the lack of faith in overselves. One of our common failings is to depreciate our tremendous worth. Being an optimist is not just being happy. It is taking what the world throws at you and saying “I am not going to let this get me down.”Everybody is a genius, but if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree then it will always think its whole life believing that it is stupid. If you are always trying to be normal, you will never know how amazing you can be.

Do not be afraid to be the craziest guy in the bunch of mad guys. Life is too short to stop making a great impact. Show the path that you know works out, before somebody else takes up the same task and you lose the opportunity to serve.

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